Week Four – AQ the Amazing Aquifer

Welcome back to the 2022 Grey Bruce Children’s Water Festival! You made it to the final week!

We hope you’ve enjoyed the previous lessons and will provide your feedback for us to continue to make this festival better every year!

You can find our survey here: https://s.surveyplanet.com/jwkhugv9

Sixty-six percent of the earth’s freshwater is found underground. Approximately 2 million people in Ontario rely on water from aquifers as their home water source.

Watch the AQ the Amazing Aquifer video below:

Click below for instructions on how to build your own aquifer!

Decode the secret message to see where our water comes from! Download the sheet below.

Play our Kahoot game to test your knowledge! You will be playing against other classes for a chance to win a weekly prize!

Weekly Challenge – This week, we challenge your class to make an audio or video postcard of what you learned during this year’s water festival and what your favourite activity was!

Email us or tag us on social media for a chance to win a prize!

Joke of the Week – What did the lake say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved!